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Webflow vs Wordpress vs Framer: Who is the leader in SEO?

Last published on
February 20, 2024
In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a critical component for online success. Implementing SEO best practices can significantly increase the visibility of your website, leading to higher traffic and, ultimately, more conversions.

Spoiler: If you're using Webflow for your website, you're in luck!

Webflow comes packed with a variety of SEO-friendly features. This blog post will guide you through nine SEO best practices that you can implement easily on your Webflow website to enhance its performance and reach.

Let's dive in.

Wordpress vs Webflow for SEO

Is Webflow Search Engine Optimization better than WordPress?

When it comes to SEO, Webflow offers several advantages over WordPress.


Improving the SEO performance of your Webflow website begins with proper keyword research. Understanding the search terms used by your target audience and incorporating them seamlessly into your content can help your site rank higher in search engine results.

In addition,

Webflow provides easy access to key on-page SEO elements such as meta descriptions, title tags, and headers through the Page Settings. Writing compelling meta descriptions with the right use of keywords can significantly enhance your site's visibility.

One notable advantage of custom websites designed on Webflow is their superior site speed. Faster loading times not only provide a better user experience but also contribute to higher search engine rankings. Ensuring optimal website speed is crucial for proper indexing of your site.


Monitoring your SEO score, page performance, and the impact of your SEO efforts is essential for staying ahead of the competition.

Webflow offers integrated tools that help you keep track of these important metrics.

While WordPress is a popular platform, Webflow's SEO features and capabilities make it a strong contender for optimizing your website's performance in search engine rankings.

Winner: Webflow

Is Webflow SEO better than Framer?

When it comes to the SEO showdown between Webflow and Framer, it's a bit like comparing a seasoned chess grandmaster with a rising star.

Both have their moves, but one has a slight edge.

Webflow is that grandmaster in the realm of SEO.

It's not just about playing the game; it's about mastering it. Webflow brings to the table an arsenal of SEO tools that are as intuitive as they are powerful. Think of it as having a Swiss Army knife for SEO – everything you need is right there in your toolkit.

Then there's Framer,

the prodigious newcomer, known for its sleek design capabilities. It plays the SEO game well, covering the basics like clean code and meta descriptions.

But when it comes to the sophisticated strategies of SEO warfare, Framer is still honing its skills.

The real clincher? On-page SEO elements. Webflow makes it almost too easy.

Adjusting title tags, headers, and meta descriptions is as simple as a few clicks. It's like having a cheat code for SEO efficiency.

Framer, while not quite there yet, isn't far behind. It's got the basics down pat, and for designers who prioritize aesthetics, it's a solid choice. But when the dust settles in the SEO arena, Webflow stands a head taller.

So, who wins this SEO duel? By a hair's breadth,

it's Webflow.

But remember, Framer is close on its heels. In the fast-evolving world of SEO, it's only a matter of time before we see a rematch.

WIX vs Webflow for SEO

Is Webflow SEO better than Wix?

When comparing Webflow and Wix from an SEO standpoint,

Webflow has a slight edge due to its advanced features.

While Wix offers SEO features that cater to beginners with easy setup and basic customization, Webflow provides more comprehensive tools for SEO optimization.

Wix's SEO Wiz is user-friendly and provides personalized SEO plans. It offers key capabilities like custom meta titles, descriptions, and URL slugs, which are important for search engine indexing.


Wix's reliance on AJAX could potentially affect the crawling efficiency of search engine bots, thus impacting your site's ranking.

On the other hand,

Webflow offers superior flexibility in terms of SEO optimization.

Its advanced SEO features include full control over meta descriptions, title tags, and custom URLs, and it also allows for image alt text, which aids in image search ranking.

Unlike Wix, Webflow doesn’t rely on AJAX, which means search engine bots can crawl and index Webflow sites more efficiently.


Webflow's websites typically have faster loading speeds compared to Wix's, contributing to a better user experience and higher search rankings. Webflow's integrated tools for tracking SEO scores and page performance also provide beneficial insights for optimizing your website's SEO strategy.

Winner: Webflow

It's clear that while Wix offers a beginner-friendly platform with adequate SEO capabilities, if your goal is in-depth SEO optimization, Webflow provides a more thorough and flexible solution.

9 Essential Webflow SEO Tips

1. Leverage the Built-In SEO Tools:

Make full use of the SEO tools that Webflow provides. These include meta tags, canonical tags, XML sitemaps, robot.txt files, 301 redirects, alt tags for images, and SSL certification.

2. Optimize Your Images

Compress your images before uploading them to Webflow to help increase your website’s loading speed, which is a significant factor for SEO.

Additionally, make sure to add alt tags to the images so that search engines can understand what your image is about.

3. Use SEO-Friendly URLs

Ensure your URLs are SEO-friendly. This means they should be short, descriptive, and include your target keywords.

4. Implement Structured Data

Webflow allows you to add custom code to your website, use this feature to add structured data. This can help search engines better understand your content and enhance your search results.

5. Optimize Your Page Titles and Descriptions

Make sure every page on your website has a unique title and meta description that includes your target keywords.

6. Use H1 Tags Correctly

Each page should have only one H1 tag that includes your main keyword. This tag is usually the title of the page or post.

404 page

7. Check for Broken Links

Broken links can hurt your SEO. Check for and fix any broken links on your website.

8. Mobile Optimization

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Webflow's design allows for responsive layouts that adapt to different screen sizes, take advantage of this feature.

9. Disable Subdomain Indexing

In case you have subdomains that you don't want to appear in search engine results, Webflow allows you to disable subdomain indexing in the site settings. This can prevent duplicate content issues and concentrate the SEO power on your primary domain.

Additionally, it is possible to disable webflow.io subdomain indexing to further optimize your website's search engine visibility.

By incorporating these SEO tips, you can further optimize your web page for search engines and improve your online visibility.

SEMflow webflow SEO plugin

Webflow SEO Plugin for on page SEO

In addition, by using the Webflow Semflow plugin, you can enhance your SEO analysis even further. The plugin provides additional tools and features to optimize your content, improve your SEO score, and gain valuable insights into your page performance.

With Webflow and the Semflow plugin, you have a powerful combination to take your SEO efforts to the next level.

When it comes to SEO benefits for blog posts, Webflow's superior capabilities allow for better visibility on search engines, potentially leading to improved search rankings. Its enhanced image optimization features also contribute to better representation in image search results, increasing the chances of driving more traffic to your site.

How we tested the SEO capabilities of Webflow

To objectively assess the webflow SEO capabilities, we conducted a series of tests using multiple well-known tools. We created a standard website using Webflow, implemented the recommended SEO and on page SEO practices, and let the web page go live.


We used Google's PageSpeed Insights to measure the loading speed of the web page. Fast loading speed is paramount as it influences both the user experience and the search engine ranking.

It scored impressively, confirming Webflow's commitment to performance optimization and impressive on page seo.


We utilized SEO analyzers like SEMrush and Moz to evaluate the website's SEO health. These tests considered factors such as meta tags meta desorption, alt text, keyword usage, URL structure, and mobile compatibility. Again, our Webflow site performed exceptionally well.

Our tests validate Webflow websites claim of being SEO-friendly. It not only provides the tools needed for effective SEO but also facilitates an environment that inherently supports SEO best practices.

What is tools come out of the box with Webflow?

Webflow comes equipped with a comprehensive suite of built-in tools right out of the box, designed to make optimizing your site as effortless as possible.

  1. Meta Tags: Webflow allows you to easily customize the meta title and meta description meta tags for each page to ensure search engines understand your content.
  2. Canonical Tags: To avoid duplicate content issues, Webflow automatically includes canonical tags on your web pages.
  3. XML Sitemaps: Webflow automatically generates and updates your website's XML sitemap, which helps search engines find and index your pages.
  4. Robot.txt Files: You can easily customize your robot.txt file in Webflow to control how search engine bots crawl and index your website.
  5. 301 Redirects: Webflow makes it easy to set up 301 redirects, which are crucial for maintaining SEO when changing URLs.
  6. Alt Tags for Images: With Webflow, you can easily add alt text to your images, improving accessibility and helping search engines understand your visual content.
  7. SSL Certification: Every Webflow site comes with a free SSL certificate, enhancing your site's security and potentially boosting your SEO ranking as Google prioritizes secured websites.
By leveraging these built-in SEO tools, Webflow users can ensure their website is fully optimized for organic search results right from the start.
Deduxer - Webflow Agency

Hire an Webflow SEO Expert

Hiring an SEO expert can significantly boost your Webflow website's performance in search engine rankings.

A seasoned professional brings to the table in-depth knowledge and experience of SEO best practices, the ability to devise effective strategies, and the expertise to navigate the ever-changing landscape of SEO.

One such expert is Deduxer. Deduxer's extensive experience with Webflow, combined with a keen understanding of SEO, can help optimize your website not just for search engines but for your audience as well.

They can effectively utilize the built-in SEO tools provided by Webflow and go beyond, ensuring your website is well-positioned in the digital space.

With Deduxer's assistance, you can unlock the full potential of your Webflow website's SEO capabilities.

Hiring an SEO expert like Deduxer is an investment in your website's long-term organic visibility and growth. Their expertise will not only improve your rankings but will also build an exceptional user experience, a key factor in retaining visitors and converting them into loyal customers.

How do I add keywords to my website?

With Webflow, users are empowered to effortlessly modify titles, meta descriptions and tags via page settings.

This powerful feature enables you to optimize your content by strategically incorporating keywords into both your title and tags, thereby enhancing your website's visibility and boosting its search engine rankings.

Webflow meta description editing

How to write a perfect meta description?

Writing a perfect meta description involves a careful balance of strategic keyword use and compelling, concise content that accurately represents the page.

Firstly, try to keep your meta description within 160 characters to avoid being cut off in search engine results. Incorporate your primary keyword in a natural and meaningful way, ensuring that it aligns with the content on your page.

It can be beneficial to mention secondary keywords too, but avoid keyword stuffing as it can appear spammy and discourage users.

Aim to create an engaging and persuasive description that not only informs users about your page but also entices them to click through.

Remember, your meta description is an opportunity to advertise your content to searchers, so make every word count.

Lastly, always make sure your meta descriptions are unique across all pages - duplicate meta descriptions can negatively impact your SEO efforts. In Webflow, you can easily access and modify your meta description in the page settings.

How to do keyword research for your website?

Finding the right keywords to optimize your website is a crucial step in enhancing your visibility on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Google Search Console provides insights into how your site is performing in search results, while Google Analytics offers an overview of your traffic sources and user behavior.

Start by using Google Analytics to identify what terms visitors are currently using to find your site. This data can provide you with a list of relevant keywords already driving traffic to your Webflow sites.

Simultaneously, Google Search Console can show you the average monthly search volume for these keywords, helping you understand the potential reach of optimizing for them.

SEMrush - Powerful SEO Tool

Next, use SEO tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover new keyword opportunities. Look for keywords with high search volumes and relevance to your site's content. Remember, the main goal is to rank high in search results, so choose keywords that closely align with what your target audience is searching for.

Once you've identified your keywords, it's time to incorporate them into your Webflow website. For on-page SEO in Webflow, integrate your keywords into critical areas like meta titles, header tags, and in the alt tags of any images.

Specifically, your title tag should include a relevant keyword at the start, as it carries significant weight in search engines' ranking algorithms.

Webflow's custom code feature also provides a window for further SEO enhancement. It allows you to insert additional metadata or schema markup, thus shaping how your site appears in search results.

This feature can be particularly beneficial for incorporating keywords in a way that enhances your site's search engine results and boosts its overall SEO performance.

Remember, while keywords are essential, they should be used strategically and contextually. Overstuffing your content or blog post with keywords can lead to penalties from search engines.

Always prioritize creating high-quality, user-focused content that organically integrates your chosen keywords.

Bonus Pro Tip

Consider implementing a blog on your website.

Regularly updated,

High-quality blog content can significantly enhance your SEO performance by providing fresh material for search engines to index and by naturally incorporating relevant keywords.


Engaging blog content can help to increase your website traffic and visitor retention, foster trust with your audience, and establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry. Remember, content is king when it comes to SEO.

Content is king - always!


Never underestimate the power of high-quality website content. Content is, indeed, king in the realm of SEO. It's not just about stuffing your title tag or other SEO settings with high search volume keywords.

Rather, it's about crafting content that answers your audience's questions, solves their problems, and engages them. Your website's content should be a reflection of your brand's values and expertise, strategically incorporating keywords that align with your audience's search behavior.

While Google is undoubtedly the predominant search engine, don't forget to optimize for other search engines as well. Each search engine has its own unique algorithm and understanding these can open your content to an even broader audience.

Google Trends can be a useful tool to understand the popularity of certain search terms over time and can even help identify seasonal trends or emerging topics. Using these insights to inform your content strategy can ensure you stay relevant and continue to deliver value to your audience.

In conclusion, your focus should always be on producing high-quality content that provides value to your audience and meets their needs.

This strategy, coupled with strategic keyword use and understanding of SEO, including on-page SEO in Webflow, will help improve your visibility across search engines. This, in turn, will drive more traffic to your site and ultimately contribute to growing your business.

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