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Top 10 Mobile App Design Trends Shaping 2024

Last published on
February 4, 2024
The article highlights that in 2024, augmented reality, voice interactions, and minimalist layouts are key mobile app design trends shaping user experiences and the future of mobile interfaces.

As the mobile world evolves, spotting key mobile app design trends becomes essential.

In 2024, we’re watching augmented reality, voice interactions, and minimalist layouts take the stage. This article touches on these pivotal mobile app design trends that are defining user experiences in apps today, and what they suggest for the future of mobile interfaces.

Stay ahead of the curve by understanding what’s currently at the forefront of mobile app design trends.

Key Takeaways

  • Advancements in AR and voice commands are becoming integral in mobile apps, with AR offering immersive shopping and educational experiences, and voice technology improving through natural language processing and AI.
  • Minimalist design with clean layouts and user-friendly interfaces is trending in mobile app development, complemented by the use of white space and bold typography to enhance readability and aesthetics.
  • AI-powered personalization is shaping mobile app experiences by offering customized content and recommendations, with significant advancements seen in health, fitness, and entertainment applications.

Mobile App Design Trends of 2024

Mobile App Design Trends 2024

This year, we’re seeing several significant trends emerging, each promising to shape the mobile app landscape in 2024 and beyond.

Foremost among these is the integration of AR into mobile apps, a trend that’s set to have a substantial impact on user interaction.

Alongside this,

Voice commands and assistants are becoming increasingly prevalent, with a projected increase to over 65% of searches being conducted via voice by 2024.

Another key trend is the adoption of minimalism in mobile app design, reflecting a growing preference for simplicity and user-friendly experiences. And let’s not forget the role of AI in shaping the mobile app landscape, with AI-driven designs set to become more widespread.

These are just a few examples of the new app design trends, showcasing the latest mobile design trends.

The Role of Augmented Reality in Today's Apps

The Role of Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) – once the stuff of science fiction, now a reality in our pockets and purses.

This significant app design trend has transformed the digital world, seamlessly integrating digital visual elements into real-time environments for an enhanced user experience.

But how exactly is AR shaping our mobile app experiences?

Whether you’re shopping for a new outfit or exploring educational tools, AR offers an immersive, interactive experience like no other. By superimposing digital content onto your surroundings, AR provides a unique, engaging way to interact with apps, making it a valuable asset in the modern app design trend toolkit.

AR for Shopping Bliss

Imagine being able to try on a dress without setting foot in a fitting room, or visualizing how a new couch would look in your living room without lifting a finger.

That’s the power of AR in shopping apps.

By offering virtual try-on experiences, personalizing products, and improving the overall shopping experience, AR has revolutionized retail, leading to a substantial boost in customer engagement.

In fact,

it’s reported that 71% of consumers increase their shopping activity following an AR experience, and 61% of shoppers prefer retailers with AR capabilities.

This is evident in successful AR integration in shopping apps by brands like Nike, Home Depot, and Amazon, which have used AR to enhance their customer’s shopping experience.

AR-Enhanced Educational Tools

Educational tools have significantly evolved from the era of blackboards and textbooks. Today, AR-enhanced educational tools are transforming learning experiences, offering interactive and hands-on experiences that make education more engaging and memorable.

For instance,

Virtual field trips can transport students to far-off places without leaving the classroom, while AR-enhanced textbooks can bring historical events to life in stunning 3D. These tools are designed to captivate students and enhance the memorability of the learning experience, proving that AR is a valuable asset in the realm of education.

The Evolution of Voice Commands and Assistants

Voice Commands Assistants

Voice commands and assistants are becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. Thanks to advancements in natural language processing, deep learning, and AI, voice recognition technology has improved significantly, offering improved accuracy and dependability.

Whether we’re searching for information, sending a text message, or controlling our smart home devices, voice commands are becoming increasingly prevalent and useful. The widespread use of virtual assistants and smart speakers has created opportunities for increased integration of voice user interfaces in mobile apps, indicating a trend towards the widespread adoption of AI-based voice assistance in nearly every app.

Voice Shopping Takes Center Stage

Imagine being able to order groceries, book a movie ticket, or buy a new pair of shoes, all with the power of your voice. Voice shopping is rapidly gaining popularity, simplifying the purchasing process and providing personalized recommendations.

As AI-driven assistants examine customer data, including purchase history and preferences, they can offer tailored product recommendations, making voice shopping a more personalized and convenient experience.

The growth rate of voice shopping has surged by 321.74% over the past two years (2021-2023) and is projected to grow by 54.63% in 2024, indicating a strong upward trend.

Smart Home Control at Your Command

In the era of smart homes, voice commands offer a seamless way to control various devices and home automation systems. From home appliances and lighting to music systems and door locks, voice commands have the capability to operate a diverse array of smart devices, making our homes more connected and convenient than ever.

With systems like Amazon Echo (Alexa), Google Home (Assistant), and Apple’s HomePod (Siri) at the forefront, smart home control through voice commands is not just a trend but a way of life, offering benefits such as hands-free operation, personalized energy use, and enhanced cost and energy efficiency.

The Rise of Super Apps: Multi-Service Platforms

Multi Sevices Platforms

In the world of mobile apps, ‘super apps’ are quickly gaining traction. These powerhouse applications offer a comprehensive range of core features and integrate various services into a single platform, providing a unified solution.

Super apps such as Rappi, Grab, and WeChat have become integral to users’ daily lives, offering a multitude of services from:

  • Food delivery
  • Ride-hailing
  • Online shopping
  • Bill payments

All within a single interface.

By improving user convenience and simplifying customer verification, these multifunctional platforms are reshaping the mobile app landscape and the world of mobile applications on mobile devices.

Embracing Minimalism for Maximum Impact

Minimalism for Maximum Impact

When it comes to mobile app design, sometimes less is more. The adoption of minimalism in mobile app designs is driven by a preference for clean, uncluttered layouts and user-friendly experiences. This design trend is projected to persist in 2024, reflecting a preference for simplicity and functionality among app designers.

Minimalistic design contributes to enhancing user experience by eliminating unnecessary visuals or text, reducing visual clutter, and prioritizing essential elements. This approach not only increases focus and improves usability but also enhances readability and enables easier navigation.

Decluttering with White Space

An essential element of minimalistic design is the strategic use of white space. This seemingly empty space plays a crucial role in improving readability and enhancing user experience in mobile app design.

By enhancing readability and drawing focus to key elements, white space prevents interfaces from feeling cluttered or overwhelming. It’s the visual equivalent of taking a deep breath – a pause that allows the viewer to absorb and appreciate the content without feeling overwhelmed.

Bold Typography Makes a Statement

While minimalistic design focuses on simplicity, it doesn’t mean the design has to be dull or boring. Bold typography in minimalistic app design serves to create a clean and modern aesthetic while making a strong visual impact.

By adding visual interest and establishing hierarchy, bold typography draws attention to important information or headings. This approach, when combined with a restrained use of color and white space, contributes to a visually appealing and impactful design.

Biometric Authentication: Beyond Passwords

Biometric Authentication

As technology continues to evolve, so do our methods of securing our digital information. Biometric authentication, which depends on the distinct biological traits of individuals to confirm their identity, offers a more secure and convenient authentication method for users, moving beyond traditional approaches like passwords.

Prominent authentication methods such as Face ID and Touch ID have become commonplace, leveraging features such as fingerprints, voices, or facial recognition to ensure that only authorized individuals can gain access to the app.

This not only enhances security but also provides a smoother, more user-friendly experience.

Glassmorphism: Crafting Depth and Transparency


In the world of mobile app design, aesthetic trends come and go, but those that enhance user experience often stick around. One such trend is Glassmorphism, a design trend that introduces a sense of:

  • Minimalism
  • Modernity
  • Sleekness
  • A futuristic aesthetic

To user interface.

By implementing a frosted glass effect with blurred backgrounds behind semi-transparent panels, Glassmorphism introduces a perception of depth and dimensionality to the design, enhancing the user experience and offering a visually stunning interface.

Glassmorphism in Popular Apps

Glassmorphism has not only caught the eye of designers but has also been adopted by several popular applications, creating a distinctive and modern user interface. Here are a few examples:

Apple's iOS Control Center

Apple's iOS interface, particularly the Control Center, is a prime example of Glassmorphism in action. The frosted glass aesthetic of the control toggles overlays the user's wallpaper, creating a sense of depth while maintaining functionality and ease of access.

Microsoft's Fluent Design System

Microsoft has incorporated Glassmorphism into its Fluent Design System, which is used across various applications and services. The translucent textures and depth effects can be seen in Windows 10 and Microsoft 365 applications, offering a cohesive and modern look across the platform.

Spotify's Desktop App

The Spotify desktop app utilizes Glassmorphism to create a visually appealing experience for users. The use of blurred backgrounds behind the playlist and album art helps maintain focus on the content while providing a layered, immersive interface.

Adobe's Creative Cloud Suite

Adobe has embraced Glassmorphism in its Creative Cloud suite, using semi-transparent panels and overlays to create a workspace that feels spacious and uncluttered, allowing the user's creative content to stand out.

These applications showcase how Glassmorphism can be effectively used to create clean, futuristic, and engaging user interfaces that enhance the overall user experience.

Personalized Experiences Powered by AI

Experiences Powered by AI
In an era where customization is key, AI-powered personalization in mobile apps is becoming increasingly important. By analyzing user behavior and preferences, AI algorithms can deliver personalized content, recommendations, and user interfaces, ultimately improving user engagement and satisfaction.

Whether it’s a fitness app suggesting a tailored workout plan or a streaming service recommending a movie based on your viewing history, AI is revolutionizing the way we interact with mobile apps, offering a more personalized and engaging user experience.

AI in Health and Fitness

The health and fitness industry has seen a significant transformation with the advent of AI.

By analyzing users’ dietary habits, providing personalized meal plans, and offering real-time feedback, AI has the ability to provide a tailored fitness experience, fostering user engagement and motivation.

Apps like Fitbod, Aaptiv, and Freeletics are leveraging AI technology to:

  • Develop tailored training programs
  • Provide a diverse range of workout variations
  • Facilitate real-time adjustments to workouts based on user activities and feedback

This level of personalization significantly enhances the user experience.

Entertainment Tailored to You

In the realm of entertainment, AI is changing the game by:

  • Producing customized content and recommendations according to individual preferences
  • Enhancing user satisfaction by providing personalized content recommendations
  • Customizing interfaces based on user preferences
  • Accurately predicting user preferences

Platforms like Netflix and Spotify are prime examples of AI-driven entertainment apps that analyze customer data to deliver personalized content to their target audience, dramatically improving user engagement and satisfaction.

Responsive Designs for All Screen Sizes

Responsive Design for All Screen Sizes
In today’s multi-device world, responsive design is more important than ever. By ensuring optimal viewing and interaction on various devices, responsive design enhances user experience, expedites load times, and heightens conversion rates.

Whether you’re viewing a website on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone, the content should look and function flawlessly.

By considering breakpoints, using flexible elements, and adopting a mobile-first approach, designers can create visually stunning websites that are optimized for speed, performance, and SEO.

Dark Mode: A User-Friendly Design Choice

Dark Mode Interfaces

Shining a light on a popular design trend, Dark Mode has become a user-friendly design choice for many apps. By reducing eye strain, improving readability in low-light conditions, and extending battery life, Dark Mode offers a variety of user benefits.

Whether you’re reading an article late at night or browsing your favorite social media app, the option to switch to Dark Mode can make the experience more comfortable and visually appealing.

As a bonus, transitioning from light mode to dark mode can result in significant battery power savings.

No-Code and Low-Code Revolution

No Code And Low Code Revolution

The No-Code and Low-Code revolution is empowering businesses and developers to create apps with minimal coding knowledge. These tools have had a significant impact on app design trends by improving UX design efficiency and facilitating quicker delivery of business applications.

Among the most popular no-code platforms, we have giants like Salesforce and Microsoft Power Apps, which empower users with no prior coding experience to develop robust applications. These platforms excel by providing intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built templates, making app creation accessible to a wider audience.

On the other hand, the low-code platforms category is led by platforms such as OutSystems, which caters to users with basic coding skills. Low-code platforms offer more flexibility and control, allowing for more complex and customized applications while still streamlining the development process with visual development tools and modular approaches.


As we’ve explored, the future of mobile app design is brimming with exciting trends and innovations.

From the integration of AR and voice commands to the rise of super apps and the adoption of minimalism, these trends are set to shape the mobile app landscape in 2024 and beyond. As we move forward, it’s clear that the focus will continue to be on enhancing user experience, whether through AI-powered personalization, responsive design, or user-friendly features like Dark Mode and biometric authentication. So, buckle up and get ready for an exciting journey into the future of mobile app design!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the trend in app design 2023?

In 2023, app design trends will include a focus on personalized user experiences and the integration of voice assistants like Siri and Alexa to enhance user interaction. These trends are expected to continue shaping the app design landscape.

What is the current UI design trend?

The current UI design trend focuses on minimalism, incorporating abundant white space and bold text to draw users' attention to the core message. This trend also emphasizes the use of subtle details to maintain user interest.

What exactly is Augmented Reality (AR) in mobile apps?

Augmented Reality (AR) in mobile apps is a technology that overlays digital elements onto the user's real-world environment, using sensors to understand the surroundings and integrate digital content. This enhances the user's experience and interaction with the real world.

Can you give an example of a super app and how it operates?

Sure, Grab is a great example of a super app that provides various services like food delivery, ride-hailing, online shopping, and bill payments all in one platform, making it convenient for users to access multiple services.

What is the No-Code and Low-Code revolution?

The No-Code and Low-Code revolution enables businesses and developers to create apps with minimal coding knowledge, improving UX design efficiency and facilitating quicker delivery of business applications.

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