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11 high-converting mobile app landing pages. What is their secret?

Last published on
November 9, 2023
The world of high-converting app landing pages, where first impressions are everything, and the 'wow' factor is not just a bonus, it's essential.

They're not just pretty interfaces; they're conversion powerhouses, meticulously engineered to turn visitors into loyal users. So, what's the alchemy behind their success?

Let's zoom in and decode the secrets of these digital masterpieces.

App Landing Page Inspiration: 11 Great Examples Of Landing Pages for Apps

Evernote Website

1. Evernote

Evernote plays it cool with a landing page that’s as organized as the notes within the app. Clean lines, clear value propositions, and an unmistakable CTA make it a minimalist's dream of landing pages.

Revolut Landing Page Design

2. Revolut

Revolut's landing page presents itself as a financial control center, offering a sleek, user-centric interface that promises to simplify personal and business finance through innovative features and global accessibility,

DuoLingo Landing page

3. Duolingo

This language-learning and app website uses vibrant colors and a charming owl to keep things light, fun, and engaging. Duolingo’s page is a lesson in balancing information with playfulness.

Headspace landing page

4. Headspace

The Headspace landing page is a breath of fresh air, calming any visitor’s sign-up anxiety with its serene imagery and soothing palette. It’s a masterclass in brand consistency.

CashApp landing page

5. Cash App

The Cash App landing page exemplifies clarity and engagement with a crisp design, bold brand colors, and a straightforward CTA, making it a beacon of inspiration for effective app landing pages.

Everand landing page

6. Everand

Everand's landing page turns the page on engagement with its clean, inviting design, and a treasure trove of ebooks and audiobooks just a subscription away—beckoning book lovers into a world colored by stories.

Uber landing page

7. Uber

Uber’s landing page is your fast pass to getting where you need to be, mirroring the app's promise of convenience. Clear, concise, and to the point, it’s a smooth ride from download page perfect landing page to sign-up.

Slack landing page

8. Slack

Slack shows off a app landing that’s all about teamwork without the work. The design is as streamlined as their communication platform, ensuring you know exactly what you’re signing up for.

Whatsapp landing pages

9. Whatsapp

The WhatsApp landing page markets itself as a hub of secure and private global communication, enabling users and businesses alike to express themselves freely, forge connections, and engage with communities through an intuitive and trustworthy platform.

Dropbox landing page

10. Dropbox

Dropbox's landing page delivers a clean, distraction-free design, reflecting the simplicity and clarity of their file-sharing service. It's about making your life easier, and the well designed landing page communicates this from the get-go.

Tiner hero section

11. Tinder

Tinder's new landing matches its app’s bold approach to modern dating. With a landing that’s as straightforward as its swiping feature, it sparks curiosity and engagement instantly.

Each of these landing pages also tells a story that resonates with their target audience, proving that when it comes to conversion, it's not just what you say; it's how you present it. Let these examples be your muse as you craft a landing that turns the casual browser into a dedicated user.

How we evaluate and test your app landing page

Evaluating and testing mobile apps first is crucial to ensure they meet high standards before launch. Here’s a detailed look at our comprehensive process:

User Experience (UX) Assessment

Our primary focus is on user experience. We rigorously test the app’s navigation and design, ensuring that it's intuitive and user-friendly for both newcomers and experienced users.

Performance Trials

We put the apps through extensive testing on various devices and under different network conditions to ensure they perform well in real-world scenarios.

Functionality Testing

Functionality is key, so each feature of the app is tested to confirm it works as intended without any crashes or bugs.

Security Checks

Security is non-negotiable. We conduct thorough penetration testing, enforce data encryption, and ensure regulatory compliance to safeguard user information.

Content Evaluation

The quality of the app’s content is assessed for its relevance, clarity, and ability to engage users effectively.

Analytics and Feedback

We collect and analyze user feedback and app analytics to measure the app’s impact and identify areas for improvement.

Load Capacity

The app's ability to handle high traffic is tested to ensure it can manage a sudden surge in users without performance drops.

Accessibility Review

Accessibility is essential. We ensure the desktop version of this website and the app is accessible to all users, complying with necessary standards and guidelines.

Marketing and Monetization Review

We evaluate the app's marketing and monetization strategies to ensure they are sustainable and capable of our mobile application standing out in a competitive market.

Post-Launch Monitoring

After launch, we continue to monitor user feedback and app performance, making necessary updates to keep the app relevant and effective.

Through this thorough evaluation and testing process, we ensure that the app is ready for a successful launch and continued operation.

The 6 best landing page builder apps (Plus few more)

So, you’ve got an app that’s going to break the internet, but does your next landing page builder also have the same potential to go viral? Let's cut to the chase, here are the six best landing page builder apps that are so user-friendly and encourage app downloads, even your grandma could be your next landing page designer.

1. Unbounce

The OG of app landing page builders, Unbounce is like the cool, hipster barista of the digital marketing world. It’s smooth, sophisticated, and makes everything look easy. With its drag-and-drop simplicity and a plethora of templates, Unbounce helps you convert faster than you can say "double espresso."

Lead Pages Logo

2. Leadpages

If Unbounce is the cool barista, Leadpages is the engineer who optimizes your coffee experience. It’s all about getting you those leads with minimal fuss. Quick setup, high conversion templates, and integrations that work like a well-oiled machine.

Swipe Pages logo

3. Swipe Pages

Swipe right for more conversions please? Swipe Pages brings that Tinder simplicity to landing page design. It’s mobile-first, ridiculously intuitive, and makes creating AMP landing pages a breeze. Because if it’s fast loading you’re after, Swipe Pages is your speed-dating champion.

4. Landingi

Landingi is that friend who assures you, “I got your back.” It's robust, offers great support, and throws in some A/B testing features to sweeten the deal. Landingi is all about giving you the freedom to create without needing a PhD in landing pages design.

5. Carrd

Simple, to the point, and budget-friendly, Carrd is the minimalist's dream. It’s perfect for solopreneurs who want to get the job done without the bells, whistles, and fanfare. Think of it as the "just enough" of landing page builders.

6. ConvertKit

Not just for the email gurus, ConvertKit’s landing page templates and pages capabilities are as sleek as their email templates. They understand your audience and make sure your landing page speaks directly to them, in their language.

7. Framer

This isn't your average builder. Framer is for the creatives who want to add a little flair to function. It’s the kind of tool that lets you animate, prototype, and revolutionize your new landing page with interactivity that keeps users hooked in a drag and drop builder.

8. Wix

Wix is like that person at the party who can talk to anyone – incredibly adaptable and friendly. It offers the freedom to create almost anything with ease, making it a fantastic pick for those who want complete control without the code.

Webflow Landing page

9. Webflow

And then there's Webflow, the rising star. It’s the full package, marrying the sophistication of coding with visual design for an app website. For the purists who want pixel-perfect control and CMS functionalities, Webflow is like hitting the landing page jackpot.

What sections should a high-converting mobile app landing pages have?

A high-converting mobile app landing pages should be a strategic assembly of sections, each crafted specifically designed to engage and persuade. Here’s some examples of what you a beautiful app landing that should include:

Hero Section: This hero image is where you make your first impression. It should have a captivating headline, a clear and concise subheadline, a standout CTA button, and engaging visuals or a video that showcases your app in action.

Benefits Overview: Highlight the benefits of your app. This section should answer the "What's in it for me?" question that every visitor has. Use bullet points or icons for clarity and quick reading.

Feature Detailing: Dive deeper into the key features of your app. Explain how these core features solve problems or improve the user's life. Use layman's terms to ensure understanding and relatability.

Social Proof: Testimonials design tips, user reviews from the app store or Google Play, and trust badges belong here. Real-world social proof that others have found value in your app can greatly increase conversion rates.

Demo Video: A short, engaging video can demonstrate how your app works and what it feels like to use it. This gives life to your app beyond static images.

Pricing Options: If applicable, clearly outline your pricing. Use simple tables or lists that make comparing options easy. Transparency in pricing can build trust and steer users towards making a decision.

FAQs: Address common questions and concerns. This section can alleviate hesitations and eliminate barriers to conversion.

CTA Reiteration: Repeat your call-to-action. Remind visitors what you want them to do next, whether it's an app download link, signing up for a trial, or contacting you for more information, even considering having a separate download page.

Contact Information: Make it easy for potential customers to reach out with questions or support needs. Provide multiple contact options if possible

Footer: Include legal information, social media links, and additional navigation or link on App Store and Google Play if needed. Keep the brief description of it clean and unobtrusive.

Each section should flow logically into the next, creating a narrative that leads the visitor toward conversion goal of the desired action: the conversion goal.

Asana Rebel Hero

Mobile App Landing Page Best Practices

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks. Creating a good app landing page for your mobile app isn't just about pretty pictures and catchy taglines. It's about crafting a digital handshake that's firm, confident, and memorable. Here’s the lowdown on the best practices that’ll make your app's landing page not just good, but legendary.

Clear and Compelling Headlines

Start strong or go home. Your headline is the first thing users see, so make it punchy, clear, and irresistible. Think of it as the billboard for your new app – it’s got to hook 'em in fast.

Engaging Visuals

Humans are visual creatures, so play to the gallery. Use high-quality images or videos that reflect your app's vibe. If your app were a person, what would it look like? Dress it up and make it shine.

Concise Copy

Waffle on, and you've lost them. Keep your copy concise and to the point. No one has time to read a novel on a landing page. Highlight benefits, not just features, and make every word earn its place.

Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is your “ask,” so don't mumble. Whether it's ‘Download Now’, ‘Get Started’, or ‘Learn More’, make it loud and clear. And please, for the love of conversion, make that download link pop!

Fast Load Times

If your page loads like a sloth climbing a tree, you're done. Speed is key. Ensure your landing page loads quickly to keep those first few potential customers, paying customers, and users on the hook.

Mobile Optimization

This is a mobile app landing page, so if it isn’t optimized for your mobile devices, that’s a facepalm moment. Ensure it looks just as stunning on a smartphone as it does on a desktop app.

Social Proof

People trust other people more in investment app than they trust marketing spiel. Include reviews, customer testimonials or, or user numbers to cash app downloads to show that real humans love your app.

A/B Testing

Don't just guess what works – test it. Use A/B testing to fine-tune your landing page. Change one element at a time and measure. Rinse and repeat.


Plug in your analytics tools and monitor what happens. How long do people stay? What do they click? Use data to make decisions, not just gut feelings.

Continuous Optimization

Finally, don’t rest on your laurels. Keep refining and updating your app landing pages based on user feedback and analytics. The world changes fast, and so should your own app landing page examples too.

Stick to these best practices, and you’ll have a app landing page that's not just a pretty face, but a conversion machine on steroids.

Carrd Interface


When you’re gunning for simplicity and speed, Carrd is your go-to gunslinger in the wild west of landing page builders. This platform is all about creating single-page websites that load faster than a quick draw. Here’s the lowdown on why Carrd might just be the ace in your sleeve:

Straightforward Design: Carrd strips away the complexity, offering a user-friendly interface app works to make building a landing page as easy as pie. It’s the minimalist’s dream—clean, simple, and uncluttered.

Affordability: On a bootstrapped budget? No problem, cancel anytime. Carrd’s pricing model is as friendly as a small-town baker, giving you the basics for free and more advanced features for the paid subscription price of a coffee.

Responsiveness: In a mobile-first world, even if it is an android phone or an iphone, Carrd’s responsive templates ensure that your landing page looks sharp on any device, be it a phone, tablet, or desktop.

Customization: While Carrd prides itself on simplicity, it doesn’t shackle you to rigid templates. Customization is still on the table, allowing you to inject your brand’s personality into your landing page templates.

Integrations: Carrd might play it cool with features, but it still lets you integrate with a number of third-party tools for analytics, forms, and more—because playing well with others is key.

SEO-Friendly: What’s the use of a landing page if no one can find it? Carrd has your back with basic SEO settings to help your app or web page get noticed by search engines.

Speed: Did we mention it’s fast? Carrd’s lightweight framework means your landing page won’t keep anyone waiting. It’s like greased lightning, without the grease.

So if you need to get a landing page up and running faster than you can say "Carrd," this might just be the builder that steals your heart—or at least, earns a tip of your hat.

Convertkit Forms integrations with Facebook

Integrating Facebook Lead Ads with ConvertKit Forms

Simplifying the Funnel: Directly funneling leads from Facebook Lead Ads to ConvertKit forms streamlines the user journey. No detours. It’s about getting from A to B in the most efficient way possible.

Automation Magic: Set it and forget it. Once you integrate, leads generated from Facebook automatically populate your ConvertKit forms. It’s like having an assistant working round the clock, except you don't have to pay them overtime.

Segmentation Sorcery: Tailor your follow-up by segmenting leads based on their Facebook interactions. Send personalized emails that speak to their interests and behaviors. It’s like having a cheat sheet for every lead that comes your way.

Consistent Communication: Keep the conversation going. By seamlessly adding leads to your ConvertKit sequences, you can ensure consistency that every lead is nurtured from the moment they click your ad.

Tracking and Tweaking: With this integration, tracking the effectiveness of your ads and understanding your audience becomes a breeze. Tweak your campaigns based on real data, not just gut feelings.

Conversion Boost: Ultimately, this integration is about boosting conversions. By making the lead journey smoother, you're greasing the wheels of your conversion machine.

So, give your leads the VIP treatment with a direct line from Facebook Lead Ads to ConvertKit forms. It’s not just about making things easier; it’s about making them better.

The Benefits Of A Well-Designed App Landing Page

First Impressions Count: You never get a second chance to make a first impression. A sleek landing page is like a firm handshake; it sets the tone and tells users you mean business.

Boosts Conversions: The right design paired with compelling content converts visitors into users. It’s the online equivalent of a persuasive salesperson.

Clarifies Your Message: A well-crafted landing page distills your app’s essence into a digestible format. It’s like a billboard that cuts through the noise and gets straight to the point.

Builds Trust: Professional design breeds credibility. It’s the difference between a back-alley deal and a transaction in a swanky office. Users need to feel secure, especially when it involves downloading something new.

Supports Your Brand: Consistent branding across your landing page reaffirms your identity. It’s not just a page; it’s a reflection of your brand colors your ethos, style, and values.

Showcases Key Benefits: A great landing page highlights what your app can do for the user, not just its basic features alone. It’s about benefits, not just buttons.

Encourages Action: With a clear CTA, your landing page can guide users towards taking the next step, whether it’s signing up a free account, getting more information, or downloading the app from App store or Google Play.

Facilitates Testing: A landing page allows you to A/B test various elements from copy to images, so you can refine your approach. It’s like evolution in fast-forward for your marketing efforts.

Informs Analytics: By tracking user interaction on your landing page, you gain insights into what works and what doesn’t. It’s the GPS for your marketing strategy, helping you navigate towards success.

Zappier automate

Send Gmail emails for new Leadpages form submissions

  1. Use an Automation Tool: Pick a service like Zapier or Integromat, which can connect Leadpages to Gmail.
  2. Set Up Your Trigger: In your chosen automation tool, select Leadpages as the trigger app and choose the event 'New Form Submission.'
  3. Connect Your Leadpages Account: Follow the prompts to sign in to your Leadpages account and grant the necessary permissions.
  4. Choose Your Form: Select the specific form you want to trigger the email for new submissions.
  5. Set Up Your Action: Now, select Gmail as the action app and choose 'Send Email' as the desired action.
  6. Connect Your Gmail Account: Allow the automation tool to access your Gmail account.
  7. Customize Your Email: Craft the email template you wish to send out. You can use the data from the form submission to personalize the email content.
  8. Test and Activate: Always test the workflow to ensure it's running as expected. If everything works, activate the automation.

Now, whenever someone submits a form on Leadpages, they’ll automatically receive your pre-set email from Gmail. It’s like having a virtual assistant who ensures no lead goes unnoticed.

How to Build Mobile App Landing Pages in 5 Steps

  1. Define Your Objective: Start with a clear goal. What action do you want visitors to take? Downloading the app, signing up for more information, or watching a demo video? This will guide the page’s design and content.
  2. Craft Your Message: What’s the core value proposition of your app? Condense it into a compelling message that resonates with your target audience. Keep it short, sweet, and persuasive.
  3. Design for Usability: The landing page should be visually appealing and easy to navigate on a mobile device. Large buttons, readable fonts, and fast-loading elements are non-negotiable for keeping potential users engaged.
  4. Optimize for Conversion: Include a call-to-action (CTA) that stands out. Whether it's a 'Download Now' or 'Sign Up' button, make sure it’s prominent and obvious what a visitor should do next.
  5. Test and Iterate: Use A/B testing to try out different elements like CTAs, images, or headlines to see what works best. Use analytics to track performance and make data-driven decisions to refine and improve the page.

By following these steps, you can create an effective app landing page design that not only looks great but also turns visitors of good landing, into users of cash app.

Make the landing pages scream YOU

Personalization isn't just a buzzword; it's the secret sauce that makes your users feel like the app was made just for them. When creating content for your app landing page under the banner of "Make It Personalized," consider these key elements:

  • User-Centric Messaging: Speak directly to the user in a conversational tone. Use "you" and "your" to make the copy feel like a one-on-one dialogue.
  • Customized User Experience: Implement dynamic content that changes based on the user’s behavior, location, or demographics. A landing page that adapts to show relevant content can feel like a personal invitation rather than a general broadcast.
  • Tailored Visuals: Use images and graphics that reflect your audience’s aspirations or day-to-day life. Seeing a familiar scenario can create an instant connection.
  • Interactive Elements: Include quizzes or selectors that allow users to choose their preferences. It gives them control and tailors the experience to their needs.
  • Relevant Testimonials: Showcase testimonials that resonate with your target audience’s experiences. When potential users see stories from people like them, trust is built.
  • Localized Content: For global apps, make sure to localize content to fit cultural contexts. A landing page that speaks the local lingo or shows cultural awareness can be much more engaging.

By weaving personalization into the fabric of your own app landing page design, you create an experience that resonates on a deeper level, paving the way for higher engagement and conversion rates.

Should you use a landing page builder or website builder?

Landing Page Builder: If your apps' primary aim is to quickly convert visitors into leads or even new customers, a app landing pages builder is your go-to. These platforms are specialized for creating the landing pages for apps that drive specific actions, such as sign-ups or sales. They typically come with templates optimized for conversion, A/B testing capabilities, and straightforward integration with marketing tools.

Website Builder: For a comprehensive online presence that may include multiple landing pages each, a blog, contact information, about sections, and more, a website builder is the right choice. It gives you the tools to build a full-fledged website with a variety of content, not just a single landing page. Website builders offer more design flexibility and features needed for a complex site, but they might not be as focused on conversion optimization as landing page builders.

So, ask yourself: Do you need a focused marketing campaign with a clear call-to-action, or a broader online presence? Your answer will determine which builder to use.

5 Must-Have App Landing Page Elements That Maximize Conversions

Maximizing conversions on your app landing page isn't rocket science, it's more like a chef's special recipe – a dash of this, a pinch of that, and voilà, you've got a delectable dish. Here are the five must-have ingredients:

  1. Engaging Headline: Your headline should be the sizzle that sells the steak. It must grab attention and make a promise that your app can keep.
  2. Compelling Visuals: A picture’s worth a thousand downloads. Use high-quality screenshots and videos that showcase the best of your app.
  3. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): This is your "Buy Now" button. Make it impossible to miss and irresistible to click.
  4. Social Proof: Testimonials, reviews, and user counts can be the nudge a visitor needs to become a user.
  5. Benefits Over Features: Don't just list what your app does; explain how it makes life better. Benefits sell; features tell.

With these elements, your mobile app landing page or standalone web front page can be a conversion machine, turning visitors into loyal users one click at a time.

Create a Concise Copy

Crafting concise copy for your own landing page examples isn't just about being brief; it's about being impactful with fewer words. Here’s how to structure your app landing page examples and content to make that happen:

Start With a Bang: Your headline is the front door to your app. It should be inviting and give visitors a clear idea of what's inside. Make it powerful and benefit-focused, but keep it under 10 words to ensure it's easily digestible.

Subheadings That Hook: Subheadings are your supporting actors. They work in concert with the headline to provide a bit more detail. Use them to break up text and keep checkout flow of the reader's journey through the page smooth and compelling.

Benefit-Driven Bullet Points: People scan before they read. Present the benefits of your app in bullet points, prioritizing the most significant benefits first. Each bullet should be a persuasive snippet of what your app offers.

Feature Highlights With Economy: While features are important, they shouldn’t overshadow benefits. Briefly list the key features of your app, but always link them back to how they make life better for the user.

Visually Distinct Call-to-Action: Your CTA is the climax of the page for your website visitors. Make it visually distinct with a button or design element that stands out. Keep the text short, using no more than five words, and action-oriented.

Social Proof to Build Trust: Include testimonials or user reviews, but keep them succinct. A few well-chosen words from satisfied users can be more persuasive than a lengthy endorsement.

Imagery That Speaks: Use images app screenshots or videos that complement your copy. They should convey your app’s essence without needing much explanation. Ensure visuals are high-quality and relevant to your message.

Closing Argument: End with a short closing paragraph that encapsulates the overall value of your app. This is your final pitch—make it resonate with the user's needs and desires.

Keep SEO in Mind: While your copy should be user-focused, don't neglect SEO. Include keywords naturally in your headings and content to help your web page rank better in search results.

Mobile Optimization: Remember, your page will likely be viewed on mobile devices. Keep your sentences short and paragraphs concise for easy mobile readability.

By structuring your content with precision and purpose, your landing page will not only communicate efficiently but will also create a seamless and compelling narrative that guides the user towards taking action.

Takeaways On App Landing Pages

When it's time to wrap up the story of your app landing page, remember these takeaways to ensure your app website and narrative has a happy ending:

  • User-Centric Design: Your landing page should be a mirror reflecting the user's needs and how your app meets them.
  • Clarity is King: From your headline to your CTA, make every word and image crystal clear. Confusion is the enemy of conversion.
  • Mobile First: Since it’s an app, assume your audience is on mobile. Design with a mobile-first approach to ensure a seamless experience.
  • Speed Matters: A slow-loading page is a surefire way to lose potential users. Optimize for speed to keep those users engaged.
  • Test, Measure, Optimize: Use data, not guesswork. Continuously test and tweak based on actual user behavior and feedback.

Keep these in mind, and your app landing page won’t just be good, it’ll be a conversion-crushing powerhouse that funnels potential customers.

Deduxer mobile landing pages examples

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